I was never taught much about cooking growing up. Homemade wasn’t what we did. Most of the food we cooked came from a package or a box. But when I started Whole30, I found that most of the packaged foods contained sugar. Sugar feeds candida. I had to find an alternative to a lot of things – especially condiments.
Soon, after I started changing my food choices I stumbled upon a paleo/Whole30 food blogger, Danielle Walker. She shared how to make your own mayo. Say what? I was naive. Never in my life had I thought about making my own mayonnaise. I assumed it was one of those staples that you always bought at the store.
Then I watched her make mayo. It. was. INCREDIBLE.
You guys, watching Mayo form is like watching magic happen. It’s amazing how the lemon juice, egg, and oil combine to make a smooth creamy sauce. The only word that describes it is magic.
Seriously, it may sound funny and weird, but I couldn’t wait to make my own. I went to the store and bought all the ingredients-which isn’t that many.
After making mayo for a while now, I’ve learned a few things. Tools and ingredients make a big impact on how the final product turns out. I wish someone had told me these tips when I first started making my own own mayonnaise.
Tips for making Whole30 Mayo
An immersion blender simplifies the process.
The one I bought is no longer available on Amazon, but this immersion blender is a good option. In those first few months of making mayo, I refused to buy an immersion blender. I didn’t see the point in purchasing one tool for one condiment. I was cheap. Then I finally buckle down and bought one. After using it, the first thing I thought was, “Why in the world did it take me so long to buy one of these?” It makes things so much easier in the kitchen, trust me! I wasted so much time making mayo the long way. Seriously, go and get an immersion blender. It makes the process of making your mayo more enjoyable and fun. From now on, I will always have an immersion blender in my kitchen. If you don’t have one, borrow one from a friend. Use it and see the difference.
The oil is important.
The oil you use matters. I have used avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, and olive oil. There are many options out there. But beware. The oil is what gives your mayonnaise it’s overall flavor. Buy good oil. Don’t skimp. Don’t be cheap. Your mayo will only be as good as your ingredients. That being said, I think mayo is a bit subjective, too. We all like different flavors and combinations. Be creative in the kitchen, and find out what oil you like best. I love a light tasting olive oil. The macadamia nut is too strong of a taste for my preference. Avocado oil tends to upset my stomach. I’ve tried all of the above oils in many different brands, but the light tasting olive oil is the best. The taste intensity is low so the olive oil flavor isn’t very strong. That’s what I prefer. But do what’s you.
The acid kills the bacteria.
I know. It sounds disgusting. At least it did to me. I was timid and unsure the first time I tasted mayo knowing that raw egg was one of the ingredients. I thought I might get sick. But it’s completely safe as long as you get your eggs from a trusted source and use an acid to kill the bacteria. After doing some research, I will also mention that it’s important you do not leave out the acid in the mayo. The acid kills any bacteria that could be present in the egg; it actually cooks the egg. Cool huh?
What’s great about a good mayo is that you can build on it and make other great sauces. Whole30 sauces and dressings usually start with simple ingredients. Don’t let the idea of making homemade mayo intimidate you. If I can do it, I have no doubt that anyone can. I can’t wait for you to see the magic.
Homemade Mayo
- Immersion Blender
- 1 egg at room temperature
- 1/8 tsp garlic powder
- 3/4 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 cup light tasting olive oil
- Set your ingredients out until they are all at room temperature.
- After the ingredients have come to room temperature, combine them into a deep immersion blender friendly cup.
- Use the immersion blender to mix all the ingredients.
- Mix until the ingredients combine to form a white creamy spread.