Browsing Category: Fixer Upper

Bathroom Remodel

It’s finished. Sigh of relief. Fixer uppers are no walk in the park. But when we finally crossed the finish line for this project, a spark ignited somewhere in this “design soul” of mine. This fixer upper journey is more than remodeling a house-it’s telling a story about us. Our family. God’s goodness. The adventures-the […]

Fixer Upper Bathroom

The Temporary Shower The bathroom demo has begun. It’s only 3 days until Christmas. I hesitated starting the demo over the holidays. Since we only have one shower, we had to improvise and make a temporary shower in the basement. This shower is primitive. Some of you will wonder if I’ve gone completely crazy. But […]

Fixer Upper Update: A Basement Demo

Basement demolition started last week full force. Everyone-including the four kiddos joined the hammering, ripping, bashing, and breaking.  All of us have enjoyed the adventure so far. We decided we would do the basement because the last 2 summers we’ve been without air conditioning. Basement Before Photos In these photos, you can see the asbestos […]

Our 1956 Fixer Upper

The journey you take when you embark in renovating a fixer upper is bittersweet. They eventually become what you dream about, but the journey to get there is long. I’ll be the first to admit that fixer uppers are hard work. But the stories these walls could tell, well, it makes all that hard work […]